Dear Simon,
You are walking! We knew you would be walking by your first birthday (which is when you ended up taking your first steps). But, just in time for my birthday you completely quit crawling. I still can't believe it when you walk over to me like a little person. You are so proud of yourself too. At first you would stick out your arms all of the time and waddle like Frankenstein. You get faster every day and I just can't believe it.
Your little personality gets more developed every day. When you like something, you make it clear with a lot of cooing (and cuddling if it is a stuffed animal). When you don't like something, it is also just as clear. You either move on to the next thing or give me a little complaint to tell me you don't like it.
Since you started walking you've been too busy to eat. Don't get me wrong, you'll still eat watermelon, banana and yogurt with gusto. But, the faster you can get out of the high chair the better.
After your birthday party, we walked over to May Fest to celebrate your Daddy's birthday. Of course you both went in your finest Lederhosen which was adorable. You wanted to drink beer out of everyone's glasses (which you didn't). But, you did splash around a little bit.....
We visited the Shedd Aquarium with your cousin Will. You absolutely loved the beluga show. Every night before bed while you are drinking milk, I sing you Baby Beluga. So, at the gift store I bought you a stuffed Baby Beluga and you love him. You push him around in a baby stroller all the time and give him a cuddle when we ask "Where is Baby Beluga?"
We had a nice Father's Day and you were nice enough to help Daddy open his presents.
Here are a few of your one year pictures. Thanks to Uncle David for doing the photography. They are absolutely gorgeous!
It has been such a quick month and you continue to change every day. I love spending each day with you and feel so blessed that I am able to do so. You are "talking" a lot more and I think that will be the next big development. Can't wait to see what is new next month!
I love you with all of my heart,